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Azzar li ma jissaddadx duplex, also known as duplex steel or duplex ferritic-austenitic steel, is a unique type of stainless steel that combines the desirable properties of both awstenitiku u, azzar ferritiku. Its microstructure consists of a mixture of austenite and ferrite phases, which provides superior mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and weldability compared to traditional stainless steel grades. To weldjatura duplex stainless steel requires special considerations and techniques to ensure the integrity of the weld and the resulting structure.

Kif Weldjar Duplex Stainless Steel?
Kif Weldjar Duplex Stainless Steel?

How to Weld Duplex Stainless Steel? – 1. Pre-Weld Preparation

Before welding duplex stainless steel, it is crucial to prepare the joint properly. This involves cleaning the surface to remove any dirt, grease, or oxides that could contaminate the weld. Mechanical cleaning methods, such as brushing or grinding, are typically preferred over chemical cleaning to avoid introducing harmful residues. Additionally, ensuring that the joint is square and free of gaps is essential for creating a strong weld.

How to Weld Duplex Stainless Steel? – 2. Selection of Welding Materials

When welding duplex stainless steel, it is important to choose welding materials that are compatible with the base metal. This includes selecting the appropriate welding wire and flux or shielding gas. The welding wire should have a composition that matches the chemistry of the duplex steel, ensuring that the weld metal has similar mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Additionally, the welding process may require the use of a shielding gas, such as argon or a mixture of argon and helium, to protect the weld pool from contamination.

How to Weld Duplex Stainless Steel? – 3. Welding Parameters

The welding parameters, including welding current, voltage, and speed, must be carefully controlled to ensure proper weld penetration and avoid defects such as porosity or cracks. The welding current and voltage should be adjusted based on the thickness of the material and the welding position. For thicker sections, lower welding speeds and higher current settings may be required to achieve complete fusion. It is also important to maintain a consistent welding speed to avoid variations in weld bead appearance and quality.

How to Weld Duplex Stainless Steel? – 4. Post-Weld Treatment

After welding, it is essential to perform post-weld treatments to improve the corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of the weld. This may include heat treatment, such as annealing or stress relief, to reduce residual stress and improve the microstructure of the weld. Additionally, pickling or passivation treatments can be used to remove any residual oxides or contamination from the weld surface, restoring the corrosion resistance of the duplex steel.

How to Weld Duplex Stainless Steel? – 5. Quality Control

Throughout the welding process, it is crucial to maintain strict quality control measures. This includes performing visual inspections of the welds to detect any defects, such as cracks, porosity, or incomplete fusion. Additionally, non-destructive testing methods, such as radiography or ultrasonic testing, can be employed to further evaluate the weld quality. Regular audits of welding procedures and operator qualifications are also essential to ensure that the welding process remains consistent and reliable.


In conclusion, welding duplex stainless steel requires a combination of expertise, precision, and attention to detail. By following these steps, including pre-weld preparation, selecting the right welding materials, controlling welding parameters, performing post-weld treatments, and maintaining strict quality control measures, it is possible to achieve high-quality welds that meet the demanding requirements of duplex stainless steel applications.

Thank you for reading our article and we hope it can help you to have a better understanding of how to weldjatura duplex stainless steel. If you are looking for duplex stainless steel suppliers online now, please don’t hesitate to contact Sino Stainless Steel.

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